დამატებითი ინფორმაცია:
KVP Georgia Projects aims at supporting the expansion of organic agriculture in Georgia together with selected agricultural associations and organisations in Georgia through know-how transfer and networking. Naturland is developing educational programs on organic farming and fair trade which will be permanently integrated into the services offered by the partner associations. In addition, the project is targeting to enable partner associations to offer advisory services on the organic production of selected agricultural products such as tea or wine.
KVP Georgia is financed by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation (BMZ) and administered by sequa gGmbh.
2. Description of the services
The following services are sought from the service provider:
• Simultaneous translation of Georgian/English - English/Georgian during the live events
• Translation of documents and materials (e.g. educational courses, videos, Naturland standards, position papers etc) to Georgian or English
• Rental services for the technical equipment (interpretation booth, headset, projector, and additional) and their management during the live events
• Shooting of video and photo materials during live events (including editing of final product, i.e. post-production)
• Logistics support for workshops, including the transportation of participants
მოწვეული კომპანიები :
კომპანია |
ID ნომერი |
ელ-ფოსტა |
ამ ტენდერში კითხვა/პასუხის მოდული გათიშულია შემსყიდველის მიერ. გთხოვთ, კითხვების შემთხვევაში შემსყიდველს დაუკავშირდეთ დოკუმენტაციაში და/ან დამატებითი ინფორმაციის ველში მითითებული საკონტაქტო მონაცემების მეშვეობით.